Our vehicle tracking systems will become an integral part of running your business…
Reduce fuel costs
Reduce overtime claims
Stop unauthorised use of company vehicles
Improved customer service
More efficient administration
Better route planning
Automated reporting (timesheets etc)
View your vehicle/fleet from any PC or phone

A flexible solution that manages vehicles through an online web portal. It is designed to actively manage fleet activities whilst reducing unnecessary costs and streamlining administration duties. It includes easily interpreted reports and smart data such as timesheet evidence, mileage information and time spent in geofenced areas, enabling Fleet Managers to make informed decisions about the movements of a fleet.
Protect & Connect gives you the ability to remotely monitor your vehicle whilst also having the European leader for stolen vehicle tracking services as a backup to recover the vehicle in the unfortunate event of a theft.
GPS / GPRS /GSM technology, providing pinpoint accuracy and unparalleled service levels. It is installed covertly into your car so thieves have no idea that a tracking system is present.

Fuel Management is the revolutionary solution that enables savings of up to 15% to be made on overall fuel bills by encouraging better driving styles through an in-cab driver feedback display. Fleet Managers can then monitor both drivers and vehicles through a variety of customisable dashboards that display the data on both driving behaviour and performance.
Plant Management is the security and diagnostic solution for machinery and plant equipment. Through utilising an intelligent telematics device all aspects of usage, such as, time spent on site, alerts if an asset leaves a predefined area and hours until the next service can be monitored and tracked.

All devices come with a complete one year on-site parts and labour warranty with the option to extend for a further 2 years.
Our qualified engineers install a wide range of products to any vehicle at your home or workplace at a time convenient for you.